Fried Potatoes

Fried Potatoes are an art, Fried Potatoes are a language. Fried Potatoes unlock the deep level of taste that potatoes can reach in various ways based off of one thing (besides heat and your skill to not burn stuff): The Cutting!
Cut a few small potatoes in half or cut a normal one into cubes, and you get delicious fried potatoes!
Cut a potato into thin collumns and reveal french fries! One of the legendary fast foods made by potatoes.
Thinly peel potatoes, fry them, and you get one of the greatest food industries in your frying basket. Potato chips! Crispy, crunchy, tasty, and in air filled bags.
And finally, the greatest form of fried potatoes, just skip all that cutting and fry that bad boy straight up and eat that thing like an apple.

Some Beautiful Fried Potatoes